Valley Forge was the site of the 1777-78 winter encampment of the Continental Army. The park commemorates the sacrifices and perseverance of the Revolutionary War generation and honors the ability of citizens to pull together and overcome adversity during extraordinary times.
Valley Forge has a connection to the American iron and steel industry as the name may suggest. Located in the stables next to the historic Washington’s Headquarters are artifacts and an exhibit about the forges located along Valley Creek.
The peaceful fields and farmhouses that mark Valley Forge today pay homage to the soldiers of George Washington's army who, despite the predictions of the British war office, stayed together during the winter of 1777-1778 and emerged from the ordeal as a well trained and battle-ready fighting force. Before the Continental Army arrived, however, Valley Forge lived up to its name with two iron forges running along the Valley Creek. Enjoy the park on your own on foot, by bike, or automobile. Ranger-led tours and trolley tours offer other options. Whatever the means of transportation, the cell phone tour enriches the experience.
The Valley Forge Park Alliance works tirelessly to facilitate programs for park
funding, education, volunteer programs, and partnerships to preserve Valley Forge.
They are committed to ensuring the park is a beautiful gathering place of inspiration,
refuge, and commemoration for generations to come.
For information on the Alliance and the programs they provide at the park
please visit their website at https://www.vfparkalliance.org
Visitor Center 9 AM-5 PM daily (closed Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day)
Check for Washington's Headquarters
No entrance fee
1400 North Outer Line Drive King of Prussia, PA 19406